Sunday, June 03, 2007

Malaysian F1 GP - 2007: NTU MBA Gang

Trying my hand at video making..good fun! Check it out..


Girish said...

Nice video!!

Lots of slick editing and some very cool image morphing. Some observations:

1) The background sound track is about Schumacher, but isn't he not there in the race at all?
2) Whats the significance of the coke can in the middle of the video?
3) The black sports car at the end of the race, is it a Lamborghini Gallardo?
4) Finally, I liked the way the names were shown at the end, especially "boy" and "girl" :) !!

Compilcated Junk said...

hehe..true there is no schumacher...but then no other driver has a song on themselves...i couldn't morph the song! :)

The coke can reminds us how thirsty we were that day..extremely hot and extremely expensive coke!

Yep..the car is Lambhorghini Gallardo :)

Vijay said...

Xtremely Xtremely Top Class !!!